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Decided to Sit Down and Write: Day One


I made the decision to sit down and write for one hour every day.

That was, like, a million-billion years ago.

And now, by some miracle of God, the Lion’s Gate Portal, or maybe even Mercury Retrograde, Day One has finally arrived, and…

Sigh! It took me forever to get started.

First, I felt the need to visit the ladies’ room. Then, I made fresh coffee, adjusted the fans, and lit a candle. Of course, I had just bought a soy-based Pumpkin Spice candle, so I had to find that one. I finally sat down, but then I changed monitors, had to find the perfect background music, and figure out the timer.

Should it be set at 1:01:01? Or maybe 1:00:10? Or maybe 1:11:11?

The candle’s glare off my glasses was distracting, so I moved it. Then I moved it again. Then I blew it out altogether.

As I was about to begin, a cute photo of John popped up on his digital frame, the piggies needed more veggies, and I noticed the fan was irritatingly blowing directly on my face.

Hmmm, should I make the graphic first to focus my writing? Wait, what was I writing about again??!

Ouch, needed to adjust. The way I was sitting hurt my still healing hip.

Okay, resetting the timer, hiking-up my big girl panties and I’m just going to type. Words. Yeah, type words. That’s the plan.

Why the hesitation?

It’s this whole “niche” thing, and the “pick your avatar before you start” rule. I’ve never been one to fit neatly into a box.

I’ve blogged lots before. But, then the niche became boooring. Rehashing all the same niche content. Niche’y content becomes forced. My pattern has been start blog and streaming, gain momentum, get bored, trash that blog, website, idea then started another :||


Here it is. I’m not going to pick a niche or avatar.



Writing has always been a way for me to process life, but lately, it’s been hard to find that time. I want this hour to be my space, free from the chaos, where I can just be.

I am carving out this daily writing routine for me —use it for whatever is in my head. Maybe, a time to reflect, create, and maybe even discover something new about myself, or teach something cool I just learned.

The distractions today were almost comical, but they also made me think.

Why do I let myself get so easily sidetracked? Maybe it’s because these small tasks—lighting a candle, adjusting the fan—give me a sense of control when everything else feels overwhelming. Or maybe it’s a subconscious way to avoid diving into the unknown, where the writing might take me. It’s like life itself, always pulling you in different directions, challenging you to focus on what truly matters.

It’s the end of this hour.

I feel a mix of satisfaction and frustration. Satisfied that I actually sat down and wrote… but frustrated that it took so much effort to do something so simple.

But maybe that’s okay.

This is only the beginning, and I have no idea where this “One Hour per Day” writing journey will take me. Maybe I’ll discover my niche, or maybe I’ll find out that my niche is simply being me—unapologetically.

Life has thrown plenty of rocks at me, but I’m still smiling. I still lead with love. I’ve found it easier to walk away from the rock throwers, but sometimes, I hold my ground and throw one back.

I’m not sure where this journey will take me, but I’m committed to finding out. For now, I’ll edit this, then work on the last of my Halloween designs for Teed Designs.

Thank you for reading.

If you return, thank you. If you don’t, be blessed and get along, little doggie.

Grand/mom . Jiu-Jitsu Hobbyist . Creative + Writer
      … @kimberlyteed on social media …


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